Be an empowered Empath confidently shielding and cleansing your energy.
Experience deep Emotional Healing and Mental Mastery.
Consistency is Key, immerse yourself in energy.
3 Months @ Massapequa offce and ZOOM (EST)
HEAL: Beyond Reiki Course
For leaders in the holistic field to bridge your unique intuitive gifts to your healing abilities.
LEARN Usui Reiki I & II, Reconnective Energy Healing, Violet Flame, Light Warrior Work, Mediumship, Other Lifetime Healing, Psychic Surgery, Coaching Techniques, and more.
70+ hours of training and practice. 4 (eight-week semesters)
Earn 3 Certificates: Reiki I, Reiki II, Healer Leaders 70hrs
BONUS: Private Coaching sesh and access to Awaken Class
* Prereq - Awaken Class
Massapequa & Zoom
EMPOWER: The Business of Healing Course
For the committed Light Leader and Heart Centered Soulpeneur beginning and growing a business
Weekly sessions to master business-building skills, mindset, and how to step into your passion and power as a leader with your unique intuitive and healing abilities
Holistic Financial Coaching for personal and business growth.